I'm Fritz Solibio

Welcome to my Blog! Feel free to connect with me anytime, I'd be happy to hear from you.

My world changed when my love for video games collided with my passion for creativity as a former cook, and I discovered coding. Since I wrote my first JavaScript To-Do application, I have dreamed of the endless possibilities that coding can offer. The path I have chosen has led me to become a self-taught full-stack developer, learning various frameworks such as React, ASP.NET Core, and Nhibernate/Dapper. My dream is for my journey to come full circle and develop video games that inspire people worldwide. I strive to create applications that bring the same joy to others as this journey has given me.


Fritzchips - Overview
I’m a Self-Taught Full-Stack Developer. I was a part of the Software Development Mastery Program where I learned different skill sets in a job-intensive setting - Fritzchips


I'm documenting how I changed my mindset and the different topics I'm learning through self-teaching and research. I hope this blog can help or inspire others to leap forward toward a better future.

This is where my story starts, the day I decided to take responsibility.

Origin Story: Deciding to change
Overview Do you ever feel like you can do more in life? Are there moments when you say, “One of these days things will change, and I won’t work in this job anymore”? I’ve had plenty of those moments while working in various restaurants. This is the story of how

All skills are learnable, others have done it, I can do it and you can do it as well. My post will center around the idea of being a self-taught continuous learner. I will share my experiences, including my failures and struggles on my journey toward achieving financial freedom. Let's walk this road together, and we can learn from each other along the way.


As someone who loves video games, I am striving to become a game designer in the future. One of my main goals is to create video games that profoundly impact people's lives. My inspiration comes from story-based action RPG games, which allowed me to learn life lessons growing up.

I have a great passion for software development, as it has been an incredible journey for me to create software and websites. The more I learn, the more I realize there is still so much to know. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from my mentors and to overcome challenges, as it has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally.

I have a passion for cooking, and I have been honing my skills in the kitchen for several years. The thrill, rush, and excitement of busy hours in the kitchen are something I genuinely miss. Through my experience, I have come to understand that recipes are merely guidelines, and this realization has given me the confidence to modify various recipes. I am now striving to adopt this mindset of creative freedom in other areas of my life as well.