Career change: Cook to Software Developer

Career change: Cook to Software Developer


Deciding to change careers is a challenging and courageous choice. It demands significant determination and dedication to embark on a new path, particularly when starting from scratch without any prior experience. I embraced this transformative shift when I made the conscious decision to approach life with a greater sense of purpose. Herein lies the narrative of my journey, wherein I transitioned from a cook to a software developer.


The links below will navigate you when I was learning about myself, taking responsibility for my career, and deciding to become a software developer.

The following topics will walk you through my self-taught journey and how I found my mentor.

Finally, these chapters helped me tackle job hunting/searching and finding my way through success.

Overall Story

I had been working in the food industry for several years, dedicating my time and skills to cooking. As days turned into months and months into years, I found myself resigning to the belief that this was my fate, even though deep down I had always desired to break free and pursue something different. It wasn't until the pandemic arrived, forcing me to pause and reflect on my current situation, that I realized I needed a change.

Feeling burnt out and trapped in a negative state of mind, I finally decided to pursue a new career path. I turned my attention toward my passion for video games and embarked on a journey to become a game developer and designer. Determined to succeed, I extensively researched the best way to achieve my goal and gain the necessary experience. It became clear to me that becoming a software developer would be a crucial step toward my dream.

Continuing my research, I discovered that becoming a self-taught developer would not only allow me to prove to myself that this was the career I truly wanted, but it would also provide me with the flexibility and freedom to learn at my own pace. With newfound motivation, I set out on this self-taught journey, ready to conquer the challenges that lay ahead. However, I soon realized that navigating through the overwhelming amount of information available on the web was no easy task.

Seeking guidance and support, I sought a mentor who could help steer me in the right direction. I stumbled upon Andy Sterkowitz and his Software Development Mastery Program during this search. Filled with a sense of hope and excitement, I took a leap of faith and decided to attend his intensive four-month program.

Under Andy's guidance, I developed my skills, nurtured my curiosity, and built an impressive portfolio during those transformative four months. With unwavering focus and determination, I was able to accomplish what I had set out to achieve. As the program drew to a close, I knew I was ready to embark on the next phase of my journey – the job-hunting process.

Starting out, I encountered a few challenges. I had to change my mindset and approach to interviews, learning from each experience and refining my abilities along the way. Despite facing numerous rejections, my resilience continued to grow. I refused to give up, knowing that the right opportunity would eventually come my way.

And it did. After numerous setbacks and perseverance, I finally found my first job as a Software Developer. It was a moment of triumph and satisfaction, knowing that all my hard work and determination had paid off. With this newfound opportunity, I was ready to dive into the world of software development, armed with the skills and mindset needed to succeed in my new career.

As I embraced this exciting new chapter in my life, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that led me here. From my days as a cook in the food industry to discovering my passion for video games, learning to code, and finally securing a job in software development, it was a testament to the power of perseverance and the pursuit of one's dreams.


If I had asked myself a few years ago if I would become a software developer, I would have probably dismissed the idea, saying, "I don't believe it." Back then, I was a negative and close-minded individual who had stopped believing in my ability to learn and grow. With no technical knowledge to speak of, I believed that cooking was the only skill I possessed. Working in the kitchen meant enduring long, physically demanding hours in a fast-paced environment. There were days when I felt utterly drained, arriving home after midnight when everyone else was already asleep.

But now, I have come to realize that any skill is learnable, even if some may be more challenging to obtain. I have transformed into a lifelong learner, eager to embark on a journey of self-development. As a software developer, my working habits have undergone a complete 180-degree shift. Instead of physical labor, my role demands mental focus on a single task, which can bring its own form of fatigue. However, the major difference lies in the improved work-life balance I now enjoy. This newfound balance allows me to prioritize spending quality time with my family, something that was often a luxury in my previous profession.


Despite the current perception of your dream or goal as seemingly impossible, I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a try, for in doing so, you might unveil a whole new life for yourself. Do not underestimate your own abilities; countless others have achieved what may have appeared insurmountable, and there is no reason why you cannot do the same. Believe in your own strength and untapped potential, for you are far stronger and more skillful than you may perceive yourself to be.

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