Finding my first software development job

Finding my first software development job


The process of job hunting demanded tremendous effort, resembling a formidable beast of its own. After months filled with trial and error, disappointments, and personal growth, I have finally secured my first job. This post will delve into the events that led up to my initial employment and explain why I believe my journey has been guided at every step.

Preemptive celebration

Having successfully completed all the interview stages, the interviewers expressed their satisfaction in welcoming me as a junior programmer. It was the first time I had come across a company without any red flags, and it felt like an ideal work environment. Emotionally invested in this opportunity, I eagerly shared the wonderful news with my wife, overwhelmed with joy. All that remained was to sign the contract—the culmination of my hard work. As a week passed without any follow-up, I attributed the delay to their busy schedule and remained patient. However, the second week brought a response, revealing that due to their project deadline, they required an intermediate developer instead of a junior one. It was a crushing blow, entirely beyond my control. I felt brokenhearted I had put in so much effort and already envisioned my triumphant moment. Yet, just before crossing the finish line, it was snatched away—a devastating setback. Rebuilding required immense faith and effort. I learned a valuable lesson: to celebrate only after signing the contract and commencing work.

Moving Forward

The loss of opportunity burdened my heart and mind, making it challenging to recover from the setback and diminishing my confidence for future interviews. Throughout my practice sessions, I repeated to myself phrases like "I almost had it", "I had it then lost it", and "I won't make the mistake of early celebration next time." As the year drew to a close, I had two remaining interviews on my schedule, both seeking junior developers but requiring skills beyond my current expertise. Company A dealt with technologies I had no prior experience with and offered remote work, while Company B demanded a broader skill set and offered a hybrid work environment. Both prospects seemed daunting, yet I approached both interviews with an open mind. Applying the knowledge gained from previous interview experiences, I fostered a two-way communication approach, ensuring alignment with my goal of working in a positive environment. To my surprise, I discovered that both companies were excellent options, devoid of any red flags, and I would have been grateful to work for either. I found myself fortunate as both companies extended offers, and I couldn't believe I had the privilege of deciding between them. In the end, after reflecting on my journey, all signs pointed me toward Company B, and I confidently accepted their offer.


God is preparing you for greater things. He's going to take you further than you thought possible, so don't be surprised when he asks you to think better of yourself and to act accordingly. - Joel Osteen

Reflecting on the unfolding events, it became evident that my journey was guided. Prior to landing my first job, an intriguing pattern emerged: despite sending out my resumes to various job postings, I found myself following a structured interview learning path. The interviews began with front-end topics, progressed to back-end discussions, and culminated in my projects and overall learning experience as a full-stack developer. Each interview offered valuable insights and an understanding of key concepts in each aspect of the field.

While working in the kitchen, I had grown accustomed to relying on public transport as my primary mode of transportation. Driving, especially for longer distances, was something I actively avoided and often complained about when I had to take my wife to her part-time care home job, which happened to be further away. Little did I know, this experience was quietly preparing me to become comfortable with driving, as my future software development role would require it.

My first employment opportunity provided an ideal positive learning environment for a beginner like myself. Moreover, they utilized a similar technology stack to the one I had learned in the Software Development Mastery program. All the preceding events led me towards this opportunity, as the company specifically sought a full-stack developer. Had I encountered this company earlier, I would have likely faltered during the interview process. Furthermore, it was almost serendipitous that their location coincided with my wife's part-time workplace. At every step of the journey, I felt guided toward this remarkable opportunity, and my most significant setback proved to be the catalyst for my ultimate success.


The surge of accomplishment swept over me, triumphantly conquering the doubts that surrounded me and resided within myself. I had developed unwavering persistence and resilience. The journey was arduous, it unlocked doors I previously thought were inaccessible. Every step of this journey, from its humble beginnings marked by a lack of technical knowledge and absence of formal qualifications to realizing my goal of becoming a software developer, demanded immense personal growth. I embarked on this transformative path with little more than my unwavering passion. Each obstacle I encountered became an opportunity to surpass myself and cultivate a tenacious mindset. Through each challenge, I held firm in my conviction that every skill was learnable with the right attitude.


What masks itself as the perfect opportunity might be the final test toward your goal. Learn from your failure and try again, you are getting closer to the right role. Expect the unexpected and continue to believe in yourself.

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