Job Hunt: Mental Preparation

Job Hunt: Mental Preparation


It was hard to believe that my four-month adventure in the Software Development Mastery (SWDM) program had come to an end. During this time, I have honed my skills and developed an impressive portfolio. However, as I prepared to embark on the next chapter of my career, I knew that the most significant challenge lies ahead: job hunting. With mental fortitude as my ally, I was ready to tackle this process head-on and find employment.

Farewell to SWDM

The last month of the SWDM program was brutal, as my final project demanded my full attention. The intense time and learning pressure disrupted any semblance of time management balance, and I found myself constantly thinking about my project, neglecting my mental and physical health. However, when I finally submitted and completed my final project, a wave of relief and accomplishment washed over me. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I did not have much time to focus on searching for a job. Nevertheless, before I left the program, Andy ensured that I had everything I needed to start the job search process. Despite not having much time to prepare, I was for the resources and care Andy provided at the end. My four-month journey in the SWDM program had ended, and I was excited to venture into the next chapter of my career.

Next chapter

As I navigated myself after the SWDM program, I was filled with anxiety without the supportive community I had been accustomed to. Nevertheless, armed with the resources and self-taught skills that I had acquired over the past four months, I felt ready to take on this challenge. I took some time to reflect on my personal growth, particularly on how much my coding had improved since I began the program. I felt a sense of pride in my accomplishments, having completed all the projects and learned as much as I could. Now, it was time to undertake the most difficult part of my journey: securing my first job. I was eager to apply the knowledge and skills I had gained and to continue growing as a software developer.


As September 2021 rolled around, I realized that the government support I had been receiving had ended, and time was ticking. To support my family, I made arrangements to enroll in the Medical Device Reprocessing Technician (MDRT) program in the spring of 2022 as a backup career. However, due to financial constraints, there was a possibility I would need to work in a kitchen if I did not secure a job as a software developer in the next few months. I knew that any other obligations would inevitably distract me from my job search, and from past experiences, I understood that dividing my focus between multiple activities would only diminish my drive to get into software development.

Looking at my situation from a broader perspective, I realized that I had only been coding for about five and a half months, with just four months of training under my belt and no certificate to show for my accomplishments. The software development industry has a relatively low barrier of entry, but it is highly competitive, with hundreds of other candidates vying for each job opening. I would be competing against individuals who had completed boot camps or held computer science degrees, as well as other self-taught developers with more experience than myself. It was clear that my current level of coding experience would not be enough to stand out in a crowded job market, making it challenging for a company to trust me with a role. I estimated the chances of my resume being noticed and progressing through the interview process to be less than 1%.


At this point, I was facing a mountain of pressure, compounded by the stress I had experienced during my final project in SWDM, which had taken a toll on my physical and mental well-being. I realized that, despite the time crunch, my top priority had to be taking care of myself and building my self-confidence. I was on the brink of burnout from coding, so I decided to step back and take some time for myself. I made a conscious effort to engage in regular exercise, eat healthy, and find a balance between learning and rest. This allowed me to clear my mind and develop a clear goal for my job search.


While determining the reality of my situation and building my self-confidence was essential, I knew that these factors alone would not be enough to secure a job. I needed to be mentally prepared and have a clear understanding of the type of job I was looking for. I understood that I might not have the luxury of being selective about where I work, so I had to be open to a range of opportunities. Fortunately, having learned full-stack development, I could cast a broader net, with skills in front-end, back-end, and full-stack development, increasing my chances of finding a suitable position.

I was determined to avoid working in a negative environment, having had past experiences where such situations had made work unbearable. As I embarked on my job search, I was on the lookout for companies that could support my growth journey, even if it meant accepting a lower salary than the average developer. For me, finding a company that aligned with my values and provided a supportive culture was just as important as landing a job in software development.

My primary objective was to secure a junior developer role that fits with the tech stack I had learned in the SWDM program. While I was not particular about the location of the job, it was crucial for me to work in a positive environment where I could build my experience. The salary was not my top priority; instead, gaining industry exposure was my main goal. I hoped that potential employers would focus on my passion for coding and my eagerness to learn, even if it meant turning down offers that did not fit my criteria. For me, gaining valuable experience and skills in the industry was of utmost importance.

Future success

My persistence in pursuing my goals eventually paid off. After facing multiple rejections and setbacks, I was fortunate enough to have the luxury of choosing between two companies that coincided with my values and goals. Both of these companies offered a positive learning environment that would allow me to focus on my passion for coding and further develop my skills. While the journey was not easy and filled with failures, I was grateful for the experience and the opportunities to grow.


It's important to match your expectations with the reality of the situation, understand the challenges ahead, and use good judgment to determine the appropriate course of action. It's also crucial to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the obstacles that lie ahead and to plan out your goals. Remember that even if the odds seem insurmountable, a less than 1% chance is still possible to achieve your objective. So stay persistent, stay focused, and stay motivated, and success may be closer than you think.

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