Learning Pathways

Learning Pathways


The traditional way of learning is through the school system. I was one of those individuals that lived under a rock, for the longest time that's all I knew and my growth options were limited. Now, I know there are plenty of alternative routes to obtain information like books, google, Youtube, and other sources. I will discuss my dilemma between three pathways to learning programming and why I chose the self-taught route. That decision has given me control and confidence to learn other skills such as becoming a do-it-yourself stock market investor. I believe it's important to be a continuous learner and have the ability to learn new skills quickly.


The standard route to getting educated, learning from teachers in institutions. A solid choice for anyone looking for a degree with a smooth learning path. While attending school was my initial choice, I encountered significant obstacles in the form of time and financial constraints. Because my high school math and physics grades did not meet the program standards, I would have needed to complete additional prerequisites before enrolling in a program. This would have taken years to accomplish and required a great deal of support and commitment from my family.


  • The availability of resources such as libraries, paid software, and access to industry professionals offers a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities.
  • Opportunities for networking with peers, classmates, and industry connections can be advantageous for future career prospects.
  • The structured learning approach provides a clear path for learning both theory and practical skills in a linear manner.


  • High costs of tuition, programs, and books can create financial strain and student debt.
  • Lack of flexibility in terms of scheduling and the intensity of studies can make it challenging for students to balance school with other obligations.
  • Depending on the program, learning can be slow-paced with an emphasis on theory rather than hands-on training.


An alternative route to school is Bootcamps which offered job-ready skills in a shorter period. Although I seriously considered attending a Bootcamp program to achieve my goals quickly, the high cost of tuition was a significant concern. It felt risky to pay a large amount of money for a program that would only last a few months. In addition, I was worried about my ability to keep up with the intense workload, as I had not engaged in any formal education requiring intensive mental work in recent years. Falling behind and wasting money was a real concern for me.


  • The hands-on learning approach removes irrelevant theories, providing practical skills directly applicable to the workforce.
  • The fast-paced and condensed nature of Bootcamp programs can lead to quicker job readiness within a few months.
  • Some Bootcamp programs offered networking and community support, as well as career services that helped students find employment more easily.


  • The cost of Bootcamp programs can be high and may present a financial risk, especially considering the short duration of the program.
  • The curriculum is often limited to specific skills or topics, which may not be sufficient for all job positions.
  • The intensive workload can be time-consuming, and students with varying skill levels may struggle to keep up with the pace of the program.


Learning on your own, using free or low-cost resources is the most challenging route in my opinion. However, the world is your oyster, and it's up to you to create your learning experience. Succeeding or failing is in your hands. I considered learning everything on my own. The biggest advantage of this option was that I would have complete control over my time, but it also had a major drawback. If I struggled to stay on track, I could easily fall behind, and without any accountability, I might not make any progress at all. Additionally, not having a certificate to demonstrate my skills and knowledge would make job hunting extremely challenging.


  • Free or low-cost resources are widely available online.
  • Offers extreme flexibility, as you can customize your learning experience to fit your unique needs and preferences.
  • Improves self-directed learning, and problem-solving skills, and encourages curiosity.


  • Lack of credentials can make job hunting difficult, as most employers require proof of formal education or training.
  • A lack of structure and guidance can create gaps in knowledge, and without a clear roadmap, it can be challenging to stay focused.
  • Lack of feedback and support, which can be crucial in identifying and correcting mistakes, can require extensive research to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Continuous Learning

In the end, I chose to become a self-taught developer. Initially, I pursued a culinary career because it was convenient, but I wanted to prove to myself that I truly wanted to be a developer. In a Bootcamp or school setting, it is easy to follow along with the course material, complete homework assignments, and earn a shiny certificate. However, as a self-taught individual, I had to motivate myself to do the work every day. The responsibility for my success or failure was entirely mine.

I didn't know it then, I was developing a growth mindset. For years, I believed that learning stopped after finishing school and finding a job. However, I realized that this was a mistake. Life's journey is continuous and so should our knowledge, we are all self-learners. All skills are learnable, some may take longer than others to master and that's ok.


Different learning paths offer different advantages and disadvantages, choose one that's suited to your situation. Many people are taking alternate routes, don't be afraid to be one of those individuals. Do what you need to understand the information. Remember school is not the end, it's just the beginning of lifelong growth and learning.

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